
The tricky part is to scale these new options without cannibalizing the existing pool of digital subscribers.In an interview with Capital last week, Warren, the digital chief, said the Times commissioned a study some 18 months ago to figure out which types of products would best rise to the challenge.canada goose jacket women NYT Now, Times Premier and the cooking and opinion apps were the fruits of that exercise."There are a lot of things that different segments of the audience are interested in," she said. "At some point, you just have to say, 'We're picking this and we're gonna try paper straws'"The four initial products will serve as a crucible for further innovation in this area. Warren wouldn't say whether there are any other such products actively in development, but she said that "when you think about the depth and breadth of The New York Times, you can let your imagination run wild." 
Warren declined to share how many people had subscribed to NYT Now or Times Premier out of the gate.Isuzu Auto Parts But she said, "We're very pleased with what we're seeing.Lululemon Women's Pants" She also declined to specify the Times' subscriber goal for any of the apps in their first year.Doctor said $35 million to $60 million in additional subscriber revenue within 12 months of the roll-out of all four products would be a reasonable goal. In terms of upgrades, Premier would be in decent shape if it converted at least 5 percent of the Times' existing 760,000 all-access digital subscribers, he said, telling Capital via email: "Premier will work, at very low shox shoes If one of the other three is a significant hit, that will greatly help the plateauing of All-Access revenue."

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